Friday, March 21, 2008

Mystery Man

Standing there staring
watching you as you move
measuring your every breath
predicting your heart rate
and trying to make it increase

Eyes that put the sky to shame
you watch them
A strange feeling washes over you
A feeling of power
A feeling of utter control

Coming closer, you bend to his will
backing you against a wall
leaning in toward your lips
your heart, as fast as a drummer
His smell, takes your breath away

He whispers in your ear

By: Ryan Peterson

Pretty Pearls of Belief

You have your string of pearls
each one a sharp, precise, narrow point of view
Shining them everyday to make them sparkle
wearing them with pride and flaunting them for
others to see

You Hypocrite

You show your pearls, and hide in them
you deny diamonds, rubies, sapphires, or even gold
Nothing comes ever remotely close to your pearls
you will not even try the others on

You Coward

You obscure those diamonds and that gold
obscuring it from your children like a serial killer
never believing that those diamonds are real
never showing them that you care that they are beautiful

You Bland Mannequin

You stand there everyday, appearing beautiful
your shiny pearls glimmering in the light
Blank faced with no particular special features
The diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and gold shining
just as brightly as those pearls

You beautiful hypocrite, coward, bland, and narrow minded mannequin.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

I wish...

I wish to show you the life of a gay human

I wish it could be put in to words how we feel
to explain the utter lack of respect

I wish to change the world in one fail swoop,
but i know that's not going to happen

I wish this generation could change their views,
of what is right and wrong

I wish to know how you think
To justify your narrow-minded responses

I wish someone could explain to me
Yes me
What gives you the right to judge

I wish to be a leader,
to inspire a nation to think alike

I wish to know the answers
though i also know some things i can not change

I wish to teach tolerance to those who abuse us
and then i wake up from my dream

I wish i knew what to say to you if we met on the street,
yet i already know what you are going to say to me

I wish alot from you and i hope you can measure up.

Ryan Peterson

This is my poetry

Hello people, my name is Ryan and this is my blog of poetry. I will be posting all of my poetry and when i write more i will post it. If you have comments or questions or critiques, please tell me. I love to have criticism. It helps me as a writer. I hope you enjoy.